Springe zu Hauptinhalt
Jahresprogramm 2025
Für alle Stipendiat*innen, Altvilligster*innen / Haus Altenberg, Odenthal

The History of Femininity


In the course of history, femininity has often been entwined with stereotypes depicting women as emotional, hysterical, loud, exhausting, stubborn, and thick-headed. These stereotypes impacted women’s roles and perceptions and influenced their lives from personal relationships to political participation. The seminar aims to critically examine these historical constructions of femininity and their evolution over time. By exploring significant historical figures, key feminist movements, and influential theories, this seminar seeks to unpack how femininity has been perceived historically and how these perceptions continue to shape societal norms. It asks whether feminism has successfully addressed these prejudices or remains subject to them. Moreover, it interrogates the contemporary relevance of historical role models and their place within the evolving femininity narrative.

The seminar begins with an introduction examining how society perceived women and what roles society assigned them across different historical periods. Key figures like Cleopatra in ancient history, the Trümmerfrauen after the Second World War, and influential theories such as Freud’s concept of hysteria are discussed to investigate their influence on our ideas of femininity today. The seminar then explores the evolution of feminist movements in the 19th and 20th centuries, from the first wave’s Declaration of Sentiments to the second and third waves which introduced sexual difference and gender theories. These discussions will be framed by an analysis of the prejudices that have historically been associated with femininity, such as the beliefs that women are too emotional to vote or that they belong exclusively to the private sphere. A key component of the seminar is the critical analysis of feminism to question whether it has successfully eliminated these prejudices or if it has, in some ways, become subject to them. It also examines religious contexts, particularly within Protestant Christianity. Finally, the seminar looks at the challenges scholars face in studying femininity and how they overcome resistance from established academic departments. Prof. Ruth Albrecht from the University of Hamburg will deliver a guest lecture in German, offering insights into her research.

The seminar engages with various teaching methods to achieve its objectives:

  • Interactive lectures introduce key concepts.
  • Case studies allow small groups to analyse historical figures and theories.
  • Socratic sessions facilitate structured debates on challenging questions.
  • Role-playing helps participants empathise with historical changes.
  • Film and media analysis critique portrayals of femininity in media.
  • Roundtable discussions synthesise learning and encourage reflection on the seminar’s key themes.

The language of the seminar is English, as is the language of discussion. Participants need to have a conversational language level.

Seminarleitung: Laura Popa, Prof. Dr. Ruth Albrecht

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